Introduction: It seems that we have gone beyond the need to prove or convince anyone that the Bible is divine in its origin instead of human. This fact is clear. But what good does it do to say that the Bible is God’s Book if it is used as nothing more than a centerpiece on a table, or a collector of dust? What should we do with God’s Wonderful Word? I suggest that we should:
I. Know It – In our heads. (INTELLECTUAL)
a. II Timothy 2:15
II. Stow It – In our hearts. (DEVOTIONAL)
a. Psalm 119:9-11
III. Sow It – In the world. (INSTRUCTIONAL)
a. Matthew 13:3-9
IV. Show It – In our lives. (VOCATIONAL)
a. Matthew 5:13-16
“Show me a person whose Bible is in tatters, and I’ll show you a life that isn’t!”
Watch the sermon video here.