Introduction: This is one of the most intriguing stories found in the New Testament. The faith of this paralytic man and his four friends would simply not be discouraged or defeated. The religion of these four men was the kind that took the roof off. What are the characteristics of a “roof-raising” faith?
I. Compassion
a. These men truly loved the paralytic.
b. Matthew 9:36
c. Their compassion moved Jesus to respond accordingly.
II. Conviction
a. These men truly believed Jesus could help their friend.
b. Their belief issued forth into action.
c. So many today have lost all sense of conviction.
d. We, the Church, need a new or fresh grip of conviction to fall upon us!
III. Creativity
a. These men were willing to do the unconventional and the unexpected.
b. The Bible is full of the unorthodox.
IV. Cooperation
a. The effort these men put forth was a united one.
b. By joining forces, they did together what none of them could have done alone.
c. We need to cooperate here at TCBC to see God’s Kingdom advanced as it should