Introduction: What picture comes to mind when the word “God” is mentioned? What characteristics of God do you think of first? When Paul thought of God in the opening verses of his Roman epistle, the first thing that came to his mind was the righteousness of God. In one form or another, the term righteousness appears in the book of Romans more than sixty times. What does this phrase mean? What is the righteousness of God?
It is:
I. AN ATTRIBUTE – something God has.
a. To speak of God as being righteous means God is always right!
b. This is true no matter how things look from our human perspective.
c. Because God is always right, we can trust Him.
d. Because God is always right, we should obey Him.
II. AN ACTIVITY – something God does.
a. Because of God’s righteousness, we should accept Him.
b. Because of God’s righteousness, we must share Him.
c. God’s righteousness is shown to us in Jesus.