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  • Another Hero for Our Day: Josiah

    SUNDAY July 9th, 2023 “A HERO FOR OUR DAY: JOSIAH” ll KINGS 22: 1 - 13; 16 – 20: 23: 25 INTRODUCTION: It has been said that there are three kinds of people in the world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened. Josiah was a person who made things happen. ll Kings 22 – 23 show some of the most exciting events that occurred in young Josiah’s life. Let’s give specific attention to: l. HIS RESPONSIBILITY. A. The circumstances of our lives do not determine the level of our achievement. B. The key to our achievement in life is not our external circumstances, but our internal response to those circumstances. ll. HIS RESPONSE. A. The negative dimension of this response is denial. B. The positive dimension pf this response is dedication. lll. HIS RESOURCE. A. The power of the Word of God can bring about change in personal lives. B. The power of the Word of God can restore righteousness to a nation.

  • A Hero for Our Day

    SUNDAY July 2nd, 2023 “A HERO FOR OUR DAY: MICAIAH” l KINGS 22: 1 - 18 INTRODUCTION: Most of us can easily identify with the Biblical names of Noah, Moses, David, or Samson. But unless we are real Bible scholars, most of us probably do not know anything about the Old Testament prophet named Micaiah. Yet, I am convinced he is just as important as the four aforementioned men, because he demonstrated a quality that is essential for every age and every generation. That quality is integrity. Micaiah teaches us two truths: l. INTEGRITY MEANS STANDING UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT INSTEAD OF WHAT IS CONVENIENT. A. Sometimes it is more convenient to bend the truth than to tell the truth. B. Often telling a lie is a “very present help in time of trouble.” ll. INTEGRITY MEANS BEING TRUE TO YOUR COMMITMENTS. A. We all should have some commitments that can’t be bought. B. We should be faithful to those commitments no matter what.

  • "When God Calls"

    SUNDAY June 18th, 2023 “When God Calls” Isaiah 6: 1 - 8 INTRODUCTION: In the opinion of many scholars, Isaiah is the high-water mark of Old Testament prophecy, of God’s communication to the people of Israel through His special spokesmen called prophets. But God does not just call preachers. He calls every person to the special task He has designed for them in life. What happens when God calls? l. PREPARATION A. We prepare ourselves to receive God’s call through regular worship. B. Our lives must be in tune with Him. ll. PERVASIVENESS A. The very glory of God filled the temple. B. It becomes a burning fire within us. C. Jeremiah 20: 7 – 9 ` D. I Corinthians 9: 16 lll. PROBLEM A. Isaiah expressed his inadequacy. B. We have all felt our inadequacy. C. ll Corinthians 4: 7 lV. PROVISION A. God is still on His throne. B. God always provides for us. C. Luke 1: 32, 33 V. PARTICIPATION A. We must make ourselves available to God. B. God wants us to say: “Here I am.”

  • "From Grace to Grace: From Start to Finish

    SUNDAY June 11th, 2023 “From Grace to Grace: From Start to Finish”” Ephesians 2:8 – 10, Philippians 1:6 INTRODUCTION: In each of these passages of Scripture written from the same jail cell, the apostle Paul reminds us that from beginning to end our salvation is due entirely to the grace of God at work in our lives. We are reminded that as Christians: l. WE HAVE A GLORIOUS COMMENCEMENT. A. Our first step of the Christian pilgrimage is possible because of grace. B. Even the necessary faith to save us is a God-given gift. ll. WE HAVE A GLORIOUS CONTINUATION. A. Our ability to continue down the Christian road depends as much on God’s grace as our ability to begin. B. We are saved for good works and not by good works. lll. WE HAVE A GLORIOUS CONCLUSION. A. Jesus Christ will finish through grace what He has begun in us by grace. B. The songwriter was correct when he wrote “and grace will lead us home.” SUPPLEMENTAL SCRIPTURES John 3: 16 Philippians 2: 12 -13 Acts 16: 30 – 31 Hebrews 12: 2 Romans 10: 9 John 19: 30

  • "Stranglers or Wranglers"

    SUNDAY June 4th, 2023 “STRANGLERS or WRANGLERS” Acts 2:42 - 47 INTRODUCTION: Dr. Luke gives us a glimpse of a church filled with “Wranglers.” A sense of excitement, love and purpose permeated every meeting. They ate together and worshipped together. They experienced unity, and the results were truly amazing. Wouldn’t it be great to recapture the enthusiasm and energy of that early church! Wouldn’t it be great to have that same kind of love and harmony! Let’s look at some of the things that made that first church so alive, so powerful. How was it that they were “Wranglers” and not “Stranglers”? l. THE EARLY CHURCH WAS A TEACHING CHURCH. A. The early Christians needed to listen to the first-hand knowledge about Jesus. B. We need a point of reference today, and we have it in the Scriptures. ll. THE EARLY CHURCH WAS A PRAYING CHURCH. A. The early church was fueled by prayer. B. What would happen in our church if everyone agreed to pray daily for our church family? lll. THE EARLY CHURCH WAS A SHARING CHURCH. A. The saddest people in this world are people who never discover the joy of giving. B. A church thrives when it knows how to share. lV. THE EARLY CHURCH WAS A FOCUSED CHURCH. A. In Christ the early church found its life. B. We must fix our gaze on Jesus Christ.


    Acts 2:1-16 INTRODUCTION: Our state experienced the roar of tornadic activity this very week. The disciples of Christ were caught up in something very much like a tornado on that first Pentecost Sunday. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He instructed His disciples to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the coming of the Spirit, and so they did. Early one morning, while they were all together praying, they heard a sound unlike anything they had ever heard before. Let’s notice the following results: l. SIMON PETER WAS TRANSFORMED WHEN THE HOLY SPIRIT CAME UPON HIM. A. The sermon Peter preached on the Day of Pentecost was energized by the Holy Spirit. B. He went from being an impulsive fisherman into a fearless evangelist. ll. SIMON PETER WAS TRANSFORMED TO SERVE. A. The Holy Spirit came to the disciples so they could continue the work Jesus had begun. B. The real sign, the “proof of the pudding” of the Holy Spirit’s presence, is service. lll. SIMON PETER BECAME A CHANNEL OF BLESSING TO OTHERS. A. The true test of whether the Holy Spirit is alive and well in a church is if we are a channel of blessing to others. B. We must stop sleeping through a tornado. JOEL 2:28 - 32

  • "THE SAVIOR’S LIST” (#2)

    Revelation 20:11-15 Introduction: The glimpse of God’s coming judgement on all mankind that was given to the exiled apostle John 1,900 years ago is truly awesome. The day is coming when all of history and all of destiny shall be reduced to a list – the Savior’s list. The concept or idea of a “listing” in a book of life, in a register in the heavenly realm, is one that is clearly seen throughout the Biblical record. Everyone of us will stand before the great white throne and give account of all we have done, all we have said, and all we have thought. No one of us will be treated more or less fairly than any of the rest of us. It will all come down to a list. Jesus Himself will serve as Judge. III. THERE IS A LIST OF LIFE. a. Our lives are run to a great extent by lists. b. Lists are involved in our commercial, personal, educational, social, and church lives. c. Eternity will become a matter of a name being listed in a book. d. Is this not the most important thing in the world? (LUKE 10:20) II. IS OUR NAME ON THE LIST? a. Shouldn’t we be concerned about the answer to that question for ourselves? b. Shouldn’t we be concerned about others being on the list?

  • “THE SAVIOR’S LIST” (#1)

    Revelation 20:11-15 “THE SAVIOR’S LIST” (#1) Revelation 20:11-15 Introduction: There was a young man to whom the arch enemy of us all came one night in a dream, and he forced several books upon the young man and made him read them. As he began to read the books, he realized that they were the listings of his sins, the story of his life written in his own hand. Page after shameful page, until the young man was reduced in his self image to almost nothing, he faced up those sins written in his own hand and what he had done. As Satan was about to leave, the young man had another vision. He turned to Satan and said: “It’s true. It's all true, but you can write on every page…and the blood of Jesus Christ God’s Son, purifies us from all sin.” (I John 1:7) Eternity will come down to a list – the Savior’s list! I. JUDGMENT LACED WITH GRACE. a. This passage is among the hardest in the Word of God. b. Yet God’s grace is interspersed even in these words. c. We will never be treated more fairly than we will before the great white throne. II. JUDGMENT BASED ON WORDS, DEEDS, AND THOUGHTS. a. The books spoken of in this passage are the record of all that we have done, said, or thought. b. Confessed and forgiven sins are no longer a part of this record. c. All of us shall stand before God. John 5:22 Matthew 12:36 Exodus 32:32 Luke 10:20 Hebrews 12:23 Revelation 3:5


    Revelation 21:1-7 Introduction: God has allowed us the privilege of knowing already the ending of His book, the Book of books, the Bible. I. EVEN THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT WILL BE DIFFERENT. a. Revelation 22:1 II. GOD WILL DWELL FOREVER WITH MAN. a. John 1:14 b. John 14:3 c. Psalm 23:6 d. I John 3:2 III. ALL THAT DAMAGES AND HURTS AND DESTROYS WILL BE BANISHED FOREVER. a. So much a part of our present lives b. Will have no part in our future lives! IV. JESUS HIMSELF ASSURES US THAT ALL OF THIS WILL TAKE PLACE. a. II Corinthians 5:17 b. John 19:30 c. Revelation 22:20 d. Philippians 3:20


    Revelation 5:1-14; 22:1-6 Introduction: In these two chapters of the final book of the Bible, Jesus our Lord reveals to John the beloved disciple the perfect and continuous worship that always has taken place, and is even now taking place, in heaven. His majestic picture of God’s throne and God’s rule above the chaos of this world is shared by John to give the “saints” here on earth a sense of the eternal security we have in Jesus Christ – something the hymn writer called a “foretaste of glory divine.” A praising saint is a victorious saint. The Bible clearly tells us that when history closes here on earth (and it will), only praise and worship will continue into eternity. This often misunderstood book which concludes the Holy Scriptures has an unmistakably clear message to us today: I. WE HAVE AN ETERNAL ROOTING SECTION. a. There is a whole host, a heavenly “Hall of Fame” cheering us on! b. These beloved believers who have gone before us tell us to keep running toward the finish line. II. DON’T BE OVERWHELMED BY THE WORLD. a. The winner is determined by who signs the letter! b. Our names have been forever inscribed in the Lamb’s Book of Life – our God signs the letter! III. WE ARE THE WINNING SIDE. a. The Lamb wins – and the saints are winning in the kingdom now. b. We are more than conquerors. Romans 8:37 Genesis 49:9-10 Psalm 116:15 I Corinthians 2:9 Psalm 22:3 Hebrews 12:1

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