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Introduction: Mary, a young maiden of Nazareth in Galilee, was the recipient of a startling announcement. There are some areas of importance in this story where we need to focus our attention.

I. The Personalities (v. 26, 27)

a. God

b. The angel Gabriel

c. Mary

d. Joseph

II. The Promise (v. 28-33)

a. Matthew 1:18-25

b. Mary’s child was God’s son.

III. The Problem (v. 34)

a. V. 34 “How can this be?”

b. Mary not intimately involved with Joseph

IV. The Proof (v. 33-37)

a. God initiated the process miraculously.

b. V. 37 “With God nothing is impossible”

V. The Position (v. 38)

a. Mary humbled herself before God.

b. There is salvation only in Jesus.

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