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    Isaiah 9:2-7 I. He was Wonderful in His birth. a. Luke 1:31-33 b. Matthew 1:18-21 II. He was Wonderful in His life. a. Hebrews 4:15 III. He was Wonderful in His humility. a. Philippians 2:5-8 IV. He was Wonderful in His compassion. a. Matthew 9:36 V. He was Wonderful in His death. a. Luke 23:34 b. John 10:18 c. John 18:5-6 VI. He was Wonderful in His power. a. Isaiah 1:18 b. Isaiah 45:22 Jesus is the “Centerpiece” of the entire New Testament!


    Romans 1:16 Introduction: In Nehemiah 12:31, 38 (KJV) we find the intriguing phrase “the company of them that give thanks.” If there is any appropriate description of Christians, it is that we should be a part of “the company of them that give thanks.” On any list of those things for which we are thankful is the good news that Jesus brought us from God. We should be thankful for the gospel, for the good news of Jesus Christ, because the gospel is: I. PERMISSIVE a. The good news is permissive in that it is no respecter of persons. b. The gospel is for everyone who believes. (John 3:16) II. POWERFUL a. God fills us with His power which changes our lives. b. The gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to enter any heart, any time, under any circumstances, and change people’s lives. III. PERMANENT a. Once we have God’s love, nothing in this world can ever separate us from it. b. Christ can never be taken away from us. (Romans 8:38, 39) IV. PRODUCTIVE a. The gospel provides us strength for today. b. The gospel reminds us God is with us.


    Philippians 3:7-14 Introduction: Paul confronted his own “Back to Egypt Committee.” A group of early Christians wanted the church to remain a Jewish sect. They wanted to require new believers to be circumcised as well as baptized. They wanted to force new wine into old wineskins. Paul’s response was essentially: “Been there, done that, no thanks!” What was it that Paul found in his new faith that he did not find in the faith of his fathers? I. HE FOUND FREEDOM. a. Paul had spent much of his life trying to save himself through strict obedience to the law. b. Being good simply because it is required has no saving power. c. Freedom increases in proportion to the number of laws we obey. d. The more laws we are subject to, the freer we are. II. HE FOUND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. a. God loves us even while we are unlovable. b. God accepts us just as we are. (Romans 5:8) c. God takes us home and washes us! III. HE FOUND SOMETHING WORTH LIVING FOR. a. We not only need something to live on; we need something to live for. (Philippians 1:21) b. There is no ceiling on discipleship.

  • Philippines Mission Work

    Pray for Derek & Amanda Ross and their mission to make Christ known in the Philippines. To support this mission monthly, call the church to get the Ross' contact information. GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES!


    Colossians 2:13-14 Introduction: Everyone of us is dealing in some way, to some degree, with this thing called quilt. Guilt haunts our steps like an angry dog nipping at our heels, burdens our lives with a load at times too heavy to bear, wreaks havoc with our bodies and creates turmoil in our minds, and is probably the primary personal problem in human life today. I want to answer two questions concerning this universal experience of life: first, what do we do with our guilt? And second, what does God do with it? I. WHAT WE DO WITH GUILT a. We rationalize our guilt away. b. We deny our guilt. c. We run away from our guilt. d. We can take our guilt to God. II. WHAT GOD DOES WITH OUR GUILT. a. God faces our guilt. b. God forgives our guilt. c. God forgets our guilt. Genesis 3:7-8 Psalm 51:3 Isaiah 6:5 John 8:9 Mark 14:72 Matthew 27:5 Psalm 103:12 Jeremiah 31:34 Micah 7:19 Romans 4:7 Isaiah 1:18 1 John 1:9


    Romans 5:1-5 Introduction: These words of Paul written long ago to the Christians in Rome are a source of good news to us today, especially those of us who sometime get it all wrong. Paul says we have been made right with God. Because of what Christ has done, those of us who so often get it wrong have been made right! How? I. THROUGH FAITH IN GOD’S PROMISES. a. This is the essential element for success in life. b. We need to turn our lives over to God and trust His promises. II. WE HAVE CONFIDENCE IN OUR FUTURE. a. We take our confidence not from the world, but from God. b. The light at the end of the tunnel is not an on-coming train! III. WE HAVE VICTORY EVEN WHEN THINGS ARE GOING BADLY FOR US. a. Adverse circumstances often yield beneficial results. b. That which we think is tragic often leads us to a later triumph. Genesis 50:20 Colossians 1:20 James 1:2-4 Romans 8:28 Acts 5:41 1 Peter 4:12-16


    Wednesday Service Outline John 1:6-9, 15:36 Introduction: These words of Paul written long ago to the Christians in Rome are a source of good news to us today, especially those of us who sometime get it all wrong. Paul says we have been made right with God. Because of what Christ has done, those of us who so often get it wrong have been made right! How? I. A WITNESS IS SENT FROM GOD. -We are not sent as judges, neither to condemn nor condone. Matthew 28:18-20 Acts 1:8 John 3:17-18 II. A WITNESS SHARES THE GOSPEL. -Tells others verbally about Jesus. Isaiah 40:3-5 III. A WITNESS SHUNS THE GLORY. -Not self-promotion, but lifting up the Lord Jesus Colossians 1:17 IV. A WITNESS SHOWS US GOD. -“Courage is just fear that has said its prayers.” “Boldness is not the absence of fear, but the presence of obedience.”


    Romans 1:16-17 Introduction: What picture comes to mind when the word “God” is mentioned? What characteristics of God do you think of first? When Paul thought of God in the opening verses of his Roman epistle, the first thing that came to his mind was the righteousness of God. In one form or another, the term righteousness appears in the book of Romans more than sixty times. What does this phrase mean? What is the righteousness of God? It is: I. AN ATTRIBUTE – something God has. a. To speak of God as being righteous means God is always right! b. This is true no matter how things look from our human perspective. c. Because God is always right, we can trust Him. d. Because God is always right, we should obey Him. II. AN ACTIVITY – something God does. a. Because of God’s righteousness, we should accept Him. b. Because of God’s righteousness, we must share Him. c. God’s righteousness is shown to us in Jesus. Jeremiah 12:1 Ezra 9:15 Romans 3:21-22 Psalm 129:4 Revelation 16:5 Psalm 103:6 Isaiah 51:5


    John 4:20-42 Introduction: In the previous message from this chapter (verses 1-19) Jesus leaves Judea and travels north to his home region of Galilee by way of Samaria. He stops on the outskirts of the town of Sychar. There He asks a Samaritan woman for a drink of water from Jacob’s well, and there follows a memorable encounter. Last week we focused on three qualities of Jesus which are seen in the first 19 verses – His sincerity, His humanity, and His sensitivity. Now we focus on four events which take place. We see in this passage: I. A LIFE TRANSFORMED (V. 20-26) a. This woman’s experience is an example of an authentic experience of salvation. b. There is no disguise, no facade which Christ cannot penetrate. II. A LESSON TAUGHT AND LEARNED (v. 27, 31-38) a. Doing God’s will should take precedence over everything else in life. b. The fields around Waco are white. III. A WITNESS GIVEN (v. 28-29) a. The woman left her waterpot. b. We must leave behind the vestiges of our former selves. IV. A CITY CONVERTED (v. 30, 39-40) a. Romans 10:13, 14. b. Jesus came to save.


    John 4:1-19 Introduction: The greatest revolutionary to ever walk this earth was a humble, mild-mannered carpenter from Galilee named Jesus of Nazareth. He did something – and is still doing it today – that no other army or leader or nation or empire or government or revolutionary or political party could ever or will ever do. Jesus revolutionizes, changes, and transforms the human heart. Only He can do that. Nowhere in all of Scripture is Jesus more clearly seen as the God of second chances than in John 4. In this encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well, we see: I. THE SINCERICTY OF JESUS (4:1-4) a. Jesus broke with tradition and custom. b. Jesus felt compelled to go through Samaria. II. THE HUMANITY OF JESUS (4:5-6) a. Jesus’ favorite term to describe Himself was “Son of Man”. b. Jesus can fully identify with and understand our human condition because He has experienced it Himself. III. THE SENSITIVITY OF JESUS (4:7-19) a. The racial barrier b. The gender barrier c. The moral barrier

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